Sabrina Oxford Releases “100 Facebook Friends” to Send Foster Care to College

United States– Author Sabrina Oxford is known as the Queen of Kindness for her random acts of kindness, toward so many. She is proud to announce the launch of her new book 100 Facebook Friends! The aim is to inspire her readers with touching stories of actual people and raise funds that can help send foster care to college. Oxford’s goal is to hit 100,000 sales by Christmas Eve for a good cause and support the education of 10 foster teens that still had a fun life to live ahead of them.

100 Facebook Friends contains short clip-its of 100 people who are doing their part in making the world a much better place in their own ways. The intent of the book is to let readers see that there is still good everywhere and restore their faith in humanity.

Oxford also hopes that the stories of these 100 people will inspire her readers to do just the same. Readers can easily relate to the stories that tackle the challenges and triumphs of people who might be just like them at one point. Through these stories, Oxford believes that her readers will be able to find their own path in life and rise above the difficulties that might come their way.

Oxford is no stranger to foster care being a former foster child herself. She is also the founder and president of Peoples Reach Out On Foster (P.R.O.O.F) Care Scholarship Programs. P.R.O.O.F. Scholarships is committed to sending to college qualified emancipated foster teens and adults through their scholarship programs. The programs are also extended to the first generational offspring of the recipients.

Every program teaches important life skills necessary to ensure a smooth transition to college and the working world after coming from the foster care system. They also encourage all former fosters and their children to get in touch with them for assistance.

With the Christmas season just around the corner, 100 Facebook Friends is a good read for the holidays as it is filled with inspiration, motivation, and hope. The best thing here is that as readers get inspired and motivated, buying the book will also serve another greater purpose. And with Oxford sharing 50% of the book’s profits, it gives readers a chance to change the life of a foster teen by helping them attend college for a brighter and better future ahead of them.

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