Natural Processed Dark Roast French Espresso Coffee, 3rd Wave Roasters Launched

Their new espresso blends have been roasted by top third wave roasters to make the perfect cup of espresso coffee. The coffee aficionados at GoCoffeeGo appreciate that the thicker and more intense espresso style of coffee requires not only a finer grind but also a more robust flavorful aromatic dark roasted blend.

More information is available at

The retailer’s new dark, rich and bold finely ground French espresso blends arrive on the market at a moment when more Americans are drinking this type of coffee. As the latest consumer research from the National Coffee Association reflects, Americans now love espresso as much as Europeans traditionally have, with the consumption of espressos rising by a significant 50% in the last five years.

As such, GoCoffeeGo is proud to be bringing American consumers the finest in European espresso blends that deliver both a strong energizing shot of coffee and a delicate balance of crema. Their new French dark roasts are fresh roasted to order in order to ensure that they deliver drinkers an aromatic yet smooth finish.

GoCoffeeGo retails French blends that have been handcrafted by third and fourth wave award winning roasters in order to also offer their customers a barista style coffee experience at home.

Popular new dark French roasts that are available on their website include Tony’s Coffee’s French Royale. This rich brew offers drinkers deep roasted notes with layered sweetness. Also popular is the Atomic Coffee Roasters’ new Intensi Espresso, which is a heavy bodied espresso blend with notes of cocoa, dried fruits and fragrant spices.

Their new dark roast French style espresso coffees are available in a selection of 12oz, 2lb and 5lb sizes, with decaf options also available.

GoCoffeeGo LLC is based in San Francisco and ships their unique artisanal coffees across the US.

A spokesperson for the coffee experts said, “Since 2008, GoCoffeeGo was founded as the first online specialty coffee marketplace of its kind, bringing consumer access to rare, exotic, and unique roasts in one easy-to-use site.”

More details can be found at

GoCoffeeGo LLC
2027 Fillmore Street
Suite GoCoffeeGo
United States

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