Miami Ketamine Clinic Says Ketamine Beneficial For Relief Of Chronic Pain

Miami, Florida – Chronic pain is highly prevalent throughout the United States. It’s estimated that some form of chronic pain affects more than 20% of adults, and many of these individuals seek help through the use of everything from physical therapy to opioids. Unfortunately, according to Complete Ketamine Solutions, a ketamine therapy clinic in Miami, only around 30% of these individuals find long-term relief. Within the last decade or so, ketamine has become an option, and this once widely-used recreational drug may have benefits that go far beyond its original intent as an anesthetic.

Complete Ketamine Solutions of Miami offers ketamine infusion therapy to patients with chronic pain, depression, PTSD, and more. Representatives from the clinic explain that ketamine is highly effective in treating chronic pain, particularly pain derived from nerve damage or other neuropathy. Further, low-dose ketamine infusion therapy may be used by individuals with chronic pain caused by sickle-cell disease, fibromyalgia, cancer, and more. These conditions typically cause high levels of discomfort, and they don’t often respond to traditional treatments.

Complete Ketamine Solutions of Miami/Hollywood explains that ketamine works because it inhibits certain receptors involved in the perception of pain signals. There is much evidence to suggest that the analgesic effect of low-dose ketamine lingers long after the drug has left a patient’s system. It’s also believed that ketamine has an effect on descending inhibitory pathways, positively affecting specific regions of the brain and brainstem.

Ketamine therapy for residents of Miami can alleviate chronic pain in both the long and short term. Although there are some side effects, including drowsiness and a feeling of dissociation, these typically fade shortly after infusions are complete. Currently, scientists and researchers are unsure if the continued use of IV ketamine can prevent pain caused by issues down the road.

In addition to being effective for pain, ketamine has also been studied for depression and is currently administered at the Miami ketamine clinic. A sub-anesthetic dose of ketamine offers swift antidepressant effects, which continue in the body after the infusions have ceased. This proves doubly beneficial for patients with both depression and coexisting chronic pain since ketamine treats both.

Ketamine therapy is also believed to have anti-inflammatory properties, and it may offer some long-term protection for neural synopsis. These findings, however, are pulled from experimental studies and can’t be backed up with more than anecdotal evidence.

Ketamine therapy is considered safe overall, with the risk often being deemed much less substantial than living with chronic pain or depression. During ketamine infusions, patients often report feeling dissociated from their bodies and feeling drowsy. Afterward, patients report being more relaxed and in tune with their own bodies and minds. Potential side effects of long-term ketamine use are a slight risk of negative cardiovascular effects and elevated liver enzyme levels.

People who use ketamine recreationally do put themselves at risk of serious health issues, including hypertension, hallucinations, slurred speech, and memory loss. Unmonitored ketamine use can cause loss of consciousness, UTI symptoms, and, in some patients, aggression, agitation, and paranoid behavior. Recreational ketamine use has also been linked to self-mutilation.

Ultimately, Complete Ketamine Solutions says that the use of ketamine for pain is a remarkable discovery, and this anesthetic medication has many benefits for people suffering from chronic pain. However, no drug is a miracle, and there are side effects, which each patient should discuss with their provider before undergoing ketamine infusion therapy.

Complete Ketamine Solutions of Miami offers ketamine infusion therapy from its Hollywood location. By utilizing evidence-based medicine and treatment methodologies, providers here offer hope and help to those who need it most.

Media Contact

Company Name
Complete Ketamine Solutions Hollywood Florida
Contact Name
Clint Fletcher
(954) 367-5316
2450 Hollywood Blvd #701
Postal Code
United States

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