Preventing Weight Gain While Lifting: Muscle Mass & Water Retention Guide Launch

Fitness Fahrenheit, an online resource devoted to providing information on nutrition, wellness, and exercise equipment, has released a guide explaining why most people notice weight gains while lifting.

More details can be found at

The newly released guide provides information on the various factors that could cause post-workout weight gains and likely steps one can take to avoid adding extra pounds.

In the guide, Fitness Fahrenheit highlights that weight gain is a natural fallout of strength training, albeit temporarily. As such, Fitness Fahrenheit advises readers not to be alarmed if they see a higher scale number, as this may indicate progress and that their body is adjusting to the workout.

A common cause of weight gain, as the guide points out, is the buildup of new lean muscle mass that results from the exercise. “If you are weight training regularly, your body fat percentage will decrease, but your muscle will become denser,” the guide noted.

Since muscle mass is denser than fat, it tends to show up as extra weight. This shift in body composition, as Fitness Fahrenheit explained, takes at least a month or two of consistent strength training to manifest.

Other reasons for weight gain outlined by the guide include increased water retention from consuming post-workout snacks or supplements and inflammatory weight gain.

As Fitness Fahrenheit explained, some post-workout nutritional products are high in carbs, which, when consumed, cause a spike in muscle glycogen and stimulate the body to retain more water.

Exercise-induced inflammation results from the body’s repair process for those microtears the muscle tissues sustain during a workout. These inflammations occur because of an accumulation of white blood cells in the body, which can show up as temporary weight gain post-workout, the guide stated.

Readers can also find a variety of other practical tips in the guide that can help them avoid post-workout weight gain. For example, the guide recommends switching those carb-loaded post-workout snacks for protein-rich alternatives. Doing more cardio, especially moderately intense cardio exercises, for at least five hours a week in addition to weight training two days a week is an excellent way to increase strength and prevent weight gain.

Interested parties can read the guide in full at

Fitness Fahrenheit

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