Emotional Intelligence Curriculum For K-12 Academic Improvement Expanded

The company anticipates that this expansion will allow more K-12 classrooms to adopt its comprehensive emotional intelligence curriculum, “My Best Me”, which teaches essential psycho-social skills for optimum academic performance. This EI curriculum is based on evidence and scientific research which has proven that hope is one of the strongest indicators for positive life outcomes and heightened learning capacity.

Interested parties can learn more at https://hoperisingedu.com/the-science-of-hope/

With this expansion, Hope Rising offers an EI curriculum that has generated demonstrable results, including decreased rates of dropouts, chronic absenteeism, and truancy. Educators using this curriculum have also reported improved grades, better attendance, and higher graduation rates for their students. Through interactive, grade-appropriate lessons, “My Best Me” encourages students’ collaboration, engagement, participation, and open communication with their classmates and teachers.

Issues like truancy, difficulty focusing in class or comprehending learning materials, and causing regular class disruptions or conflicts with other students, can often be signs of a student struggling emotionally. Anxiety, depression, and stress are common issues for adolescents, especially those who have experienced trauma. Learning how to regulate their stress and emotions can help students to be more present and active in the classroom.

“My Best Me” teaches students practical skills for maintaining their emotional, mental, and physical well-being. With this curriculum, students practice expressing themselves through collaborative exercises and creative activities, giving them dedicated time to reflect on their emotional state. “My Best Me” also teaches students how to set and achieve goals based on their individual strengths with a simple three-step process: set a goal, create a pathway, and build the inner willpower to succeed.

About Hope Rising

Hope Rising is a curriculum developer dedicated to providing K-12 schools, educators, and students with the structural support they need to make emotional intelligence learning a regular part of academic programming. The company centers its curriculum and operations around this philosophy: “Hope is the belief that tomorrow will be better than today, and that you have the power to make it so”. Using evidence and scientific research on the power of hope, Hope Rising aims to empower students and educators with its EI curriculum that fosters resilient behaviors and positivity in the classroom.

“We know that emotional intelligence improves self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making,” said one spokesperson for the company. “All of these skills help students throughout their academic journey and promote long-term positive outcomes. This ultimately results in greater graduation rates.”

Interested parties can learn more and contact the team at Hope Rising by visiting https://hoperisingedu.com/the-science-of-hope/

Hope Rising

3750 West Main Street
Suite AA
United States

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