New Jersey DUI Lawyer Rachel Kugel Releases Article on Legal Alcohol Limit

New Jersey DUI lawyer Rachel Kugel ( of the Kugel Law Firm has released an article discussing the legal alcohol limit in New Jersey. The article seeks to educate individuals on the consequences of driving under the influence and the legal alcohol limit in the state.

According to the New Jersey DUI lawyer, “It is important for individuals to understand the legal alcohol limit in New Jersey and the potential consequences of driving under the influence. Driving under the influence not only puts your own life in danger but also the lives of others on the road. It is crucial that individuals are aware of the legal alcohol limit and make responsible decisions when it comes to drinking and driving.”

The New Jersey DUI lawyer emphasizes that the legal alcohol limit in New Jersey is 0.08% blood alcohol concentration (BAC). This means that if an individual’s BAC is above 0.08%, they can be charged with a DUI. The consequences of a DUI conviction in New Jersey include fines, license suspension, and even jail time.

Rachel Kugel says that “even one drink can impair an individual’s ability to drive safely, and it is not worth the risk. It is important to plan ahead and have a designated driver, take a taxi, or use a ride-sharing service if you plan on drinking.”

The above-mentioned article sheds light on the potential implications of declining a breathalyzer test in New Jersey. If an individual refuses to undergo the test when suspected of a DWI, they may face harsher consequences than those who willingly comply with the test. Such consequences may include longer periods of license suspension and increased fines. In addition, refusing to submit to a chemical test to determine blood alcohol concentration leads to an automatic license suspension that is obligatory. Refusal to take the breathalyzer test can also be presented as evidence against the individual in court.

Underage drivers who are below 21 years of age and hence not legally permitted to consume alcohol must comply with a zero-tolerance policy. In the event of an underage driver being caught driving with any BAC level, they could face charges for an underage DWI. The charges and penalties would be dependent on the age of the driver and their BAC level during the time of the arrest.

Finally, Rachel Kugel’s article highlights the importance of understanding the legal alcohol limit and the potential consequences of driving under the influence. It is important for individuals to make responsible decisions when it comes to drinking and driving and to plan ahead to ensure their safety and the safety of others on the road.

When facing DUI charges in New Jersey, it is important to obtain legal representation from a skilled and well-informed DUI lawyer. Those in need of legal assistance may consider reaching out to Rachel Kugel and the Kugel Law Firm for a complimentary consultation.

About the Kugel Law Firm:

The Kugel Law Firm is a criminal defense law firm located in East Brunswick, New Jersey. Led by Rachel Kugel, the firm provides aggressive and comprehensive legal representation to individuals facing criminal charges, including DUI charges. The firm’s mission is to protect the rights of individuals and achieve the best possible outcome for their clients.

Media Contact

Company Name
The Kugel Law Firm
Contact Name
Rachel Kugel
(973) 854-0098
1 Gateway Center Suite 2600
New Jersey
Postal Code
United States

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