Logo Design Mistakes & Branding Best Practices, 2023 Style Guide Released

With its new guide, LO:LA is trying to help businesses create memorable logos that communicate their brand’s story, set them apart from competitors, and emotionally connect with customers.

More details can be found at https://www.thelolaagency.com/2023/03/20/biggest-mistakes-to-avoid-when-creating-a-logo-for-your-business

A logo is often the first touchpoint consumers have with a brand, whether it’s seeing it on someone else’s t-shirt or watching it flash by on a television advertisement. For the logo to stick in that customer’s mind, a few things need to be avoided, says LO:LA’s new guide.

The first thing the guide recommends businesses avoid is misunderstanding their audience. According to LO:LA, it will be obvious if the customer’s interests, wants, and needs aren’t reflected in the logo, because savvy customers will disconnect or distance themselves from the brand. To prevent this from happening, businesses should research their customers, find out what appeals to them, and integrate it somehow into the logo’s story.

In regards to designing the logo, the guide also highlights some visual mistakes that brands often make. These can include chaotic typography, clashing colors, poor spacing, and awkward sizing. LO:LA recommends that businesses don’t get too complicated with their logo; they should try and offset every intricate element with a more simple one. The example the guide uses is the Coca-Cola logo, which features an elaborate font against a very primary color (red).

Lastly, the guide recommends that businesses don’t copy the logos of other brands. Aside from the legal ramifications that copying can lead to, it can also alienate customers who may think the business is inauthentic or unethical.

“There are so many things to consider during the logo creation process, it can be hard to know where to start,” said a spokesperson for the company. “Colors, shapes, graphics, fonts–if one area is lacking the entire logo will be lacking. Hopefully, with the help of our guide, companies can design logos that set their business apart from the competition and provide strong branding opportunities.”

LO:LA offers a variety of different branding services to help businesses that might be struggling with developing a logo. Their marketing professionals–in addition to being branding and advertising experts–have a strong understanding of visual elements and what customers are looking for in a logo.

Interested parties can find more information at https://www.thelolaagency.com/2023/03/20/biggest-mistakes-to-avoid-when-creating-a-logo-for-your-business

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