Capital punishment for Japanese Knotweed
As Spring 2023 is upon us the new growth of Japanese Knotweed is well underway, this insidious Weed starves neighbouring plants of water & nutrients thus strangling harmless plants & destroying perfectly fruitful gardens & breaks through concrete & as a direct result more homes & businesses are affected than in 2022.

In 2022, Japanese Knotweed Agency received almost 40,000 reported sightings of Japanese Knotweed across England and Wales on its National Register. The biggest sword in this battle is knowledge & understanding of Japanese Knotweed. Although more than 53 Councils have already banned the use of Chemical (Glyphosate) treatments in parks, schools and some public areas, there still remains a lack of awareness for identifying and controlling the spread of Japanese Knotweed, and ensuring the appropriate measures are adhered to in the disposal of Japanese Knotweed waste, preventing its spread.
This was clearly evident in a Daily Mail article this week as Brighton & Hove, a known Green Council who have banned the use of Glyphosate, are now swarmed by infestations of Japanese Knotweed all over the Local Authorities Area. Residents & Business’ are being asked by the council to volunteer as “Weed Warriors” to help clear up the weeds in Spring & Summer. streets, walls and drains have been overrun by unwanted plants, Cracks in pavements caused by Japanese Knotweed breaking through concrete has resulted in at least 8 Elderly people injured due to falls & hospitalised in 2021-2022 causing anger among residents.
Brexit has been a major factor for the council struggling to order equipment & employ the suitable Professionals in this Industry. The rise in claims to Councils is a reason Japanese Knotweed Agency want to grab the bull by the horns & make every effort to work with Local Authorities & the Public by offering a joint programme, which involves education & awareness about the weed, plus safe methods to treat & illuminate the dangerous weed.

Japanese Knotweed Agency are the first & currently only company to offer a non-chemical treatment & eradication program in the UK. The Thermo-Electrical treatment has already been successfully used across Europe for decades and across the Americas for over 100 years, only now through the Japanese Knotweed Agency is this non-chemical treatment available with its environmental safety standards, being used in the UK. The technology applies up to 5000 volts directly to the weed and effectively boils it from the inside out, destroying its cell structure and making it unable to grow, killing it in situ with no need for any removal as the weeds then compost into the ground.
The technology comes from RootWave© and Japanese Knotweed Agency are the first commercial service to consumers and businesses across the UK, with King Charles having this technology for use on his estates, as well as Arsenal Football Club, Transport for London and other advocates joining in the fight against the use of chemicals.
A Gloucester farmer is now using a larger version to eradicate weeds from their crop fields. The technology is slowly making its debut and is set to be the new norm for eradicating weeds of all kinds.
Our Head Office is based at Hexagon Tower in Manchester, we cover the whole of England and Wales and we feel that it’s our duty to spread the awareness of the dangers of using Glyphosates toxicity, especially for children and pets, and push the agenda for a chemical free solution wherever possible.