Programmatic Job Advertising For Retailers, Talent Recruitment Software Update

This update to the JobAdX programmatic job advertising ecosystem allows recruiters to access a number of job boards as part of their standard catalog which previously were only available through a custom request. The majority of these additions operate on a pay-per-candidate model, with the ultimate goal of helping recruitment teams reduce their cost per applicant.

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This updated catalog of job boards includes over 100 options by default, and can be accessed on either of the JobAdX platforms. These platforms, known as “Optimize” and “Exchange”, allow recruiters a variable level of control over how and where ads are placed, with algorithmic tools available on each to help refine the candidate search process.

The Exchange platform, in particular, features a number of automation tools that allow recruiters to take a hands-off approach when targeting qualified talent. This platform facilitates the creation of fully programmatic ad campaigns based on custom parameters, which narrow in focus based on click-through data collected, among other factors.

JobAdX Optimize, on the other hand, allows recruiters to select from a list of job boards and other ad locations based on a wide range of factors. Optimize campaigns can also be adjusted as they progress, granting more control to recruiters operating in industries where highly specific qualifications are necessary.

These changes have been made to empower small retailers and other businesses with limited hiring capacity to preserve their ad spend and establish cost-efficient campaigns across a range of locations. Studies have shown that over 40% of ad spend is typically wasted on untargeted advertising or unqualified candidates regardless of the resources available to recruiters, which is why JobAdX has designed its platforms to be as lightweight as possible.

Both the Optimize and Exchange platforms provide users with centralized reporting and job-level data to help recruiters make informed decisions when establishing campaigns. The software has been tailored to goal-driven hiring teams, with automation tools that are designed to carefully target only the most qualified talent, wherever those individuals may be.

JobAdX software is supported by a small yet dedicated team of developers, all of whom have several years of experience working on a broad range of ad exchange software. Their platforms are designed to cover the full range of needs for small to mid-sized recruiters from across all industries through flexible, powerful solutions.

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