Manhattan Sex Crime Attorney Russ Kofman of Lebedin Kofman LLP Sheds Light on New York Sex Crime Definitions

Lebedin Kofman LLP is pleased to announce that its esteemed Manhattan sex crime attorney, Russ Kofman (, has released an enlightening article titled “How is a Sex Crime Defined in New York?” which discusses the intricacies of sex crime definitions and legal consequences in New York State.

In the article, Manhattan sex crime attorney Russ Kofman provides invaluable information on the complexities involved in defining sex crimes. He starts by highlighting that being charged with a sex crime in New York can have far-reaching implications on an individual’s reputation, job prospects, and freedom. It is emphasized that, in Manhattan, it is crucial to secure robust legal defense when facing sex crime charges.

Additionally, Mr. Kofman, a well-regarded Manhattan sex crime attorney, elaborates that New York does not have a single legal definition for sex crimes, but rather, it encompasses a range of offenses requiring an individual to register as a sex offender. Quoted from the article, Mr. Kofman states, “New York Penal Code PEN § 130.05 lays the foundation for how a crime is determined as a sexual charge under the law.”

Furthermore, the article explains how consent, or the lack thereof, plays a significant role in defining a sex crime. It discusses various types of sex crimes, such as rape, aggravated sexual abuse, and internet sex crimes, along with their severity and potential penalties. It’s made clear that penalties are influenced by the nature of the offense, characteristics of the victim, and the defendant’s criminal history.

Mr. Kofman’s article also explains that sex crimes can fall under either state or federal jurisdiction. For example, if a sex crime crosses state lines or involves the internet, it usually falls under federal jurisdiction. The importance of understanding these distinctions is paramount for anyone facing charges.

One of the key insights provided by Russ Kofman is regarding the Sex Offender Registration Act (SORA) in New York. He elucidates how, following a conviction, a risk level assessment is conducted to categorize the offender, which in turn determines the registration requirements. This classification impacts the length of time an individual must remain on the sex offender register.

As the legal landscape surrounding sex crimes is intricate and the repercussions of a conviction can be life-altering, the article emphasizes the importance of seeking assistance from a proficient Manhattan sex crimes lawyer.

Lastly, while the information in Mr. Kofman’s article is highly beneficial for understanding sex crimes in New York, it also accentuates the necessity for a vigorous defense. For individuals facing sex crime charges in New York, seeking the help of an experienced attorney can be a decisive factor in protecting rights and navigating the legal system.

About Lebedin Kofman LLP:

Lebedin Kofman LLP is a distinguished law firm based in New York City, composed of a dedicated team of attorneys who diligently work to protect their clients’ rights. Among the firm’s professionals, Russ Kofman stands out for his dedication in assisting individuals faced with serious sex crime charges. The firm prides itself on providing an aggressive and thorough defense, guiding clients through the complexities of the legal system.

Media Contact

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Lebedin Kofman LLP | Criminal Attorney and DWI Lawyer
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Russ Kofman
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