Mind Machines Announces New ROSHIwave IN-SIGHT 4th Generation Model For 2023
The revamped Mind Machines ROSHIwave In-Sight model, which incorporates modes and features from previous pROSHI models alongside new elements, is designed to disentrain abnormal brainwave frequencies. The neurofeedback device helps the brain recalibrate itself into a state that resembles deep meditation.
Further information can be found at: https://www.mindmachines.com
The new 4th generation In-Sight model includes the final pROSHI revisions incorporated by Mind Machines founder Chuck Davis. The In-Sight allows users to access the entire range of pROSHI modes in a single, pocket-sized device.
According to a recent Psychology Today article, pROSHI mind machines have the potential to create altered brain states and treat numerous health issues, including high blood pressure, chronic fatigue, anxiety, ADHD, insomnia, and more. The ROSHIwave In-Sight uses electroencephalographic (EEG) feedback, sending calibrated light signals through the eyes into the brain. “The brain attains a meditative, ‘normalized’ state in which it becomes totally at rest, yet attentive at the same time–similar to the brain of a Zen master,” says a company representative.
The brain disentrainment process used in the In-Sight ROSHIwave mind machine is known as vector equilibrium error disentrainment photostimulation (VEEDP). When a user wears the In-Sight glasses, the device creates an LED flicker, driven by a dynamic vector equilibrium algorithm and contained within the mind machine’s patented NeuroDynamic Activator.
The process gives the brain a complex set of phase directions it must follow, allowing the brain to perform its natural neurofeedback duties without outside intervention. As a result, levels of dynamic phase error decrease within the brain, which creates a sense of calm and internal quiet for the user.
The ROSHIwave In-Sight aims to reprogram the brain back towards its natural operating conditions as a way to silence inner chatter, achieve peace, and enter a deep meditative state. The device can be used alone or in conjunction with other EEG biofeedback instruments.
Further details can be found at: https://www.mindmachines.com
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