Problem Statement Refining Course: Perspective Positioning Training Launched

“Problem Perspectives: Solve Your Best Problem!” teaches technology researchers, business professionals, social entrepreneurs, and product developers how to devise innovative solutions to overcome obstacles and reach their goals.

More details can be found at

With its focus on utilizing different perspectives to identify the right problem statement, the course helps participants overcome fixed problem-solving beliefs and binary thinking.

A problem statement describes an issue to be addressed or a condition to be improved upon within a process, business, or organization. It articulates the gap between the current state of performance and desired future performance. If a problem is incorrectly defined, it can lead to a waste of opportunities, time, and resources.

In contrast to conventional and linear problem-solving approaches, Macadamia Solutions LLC’s methodology employs creative strategies to frame a problem statement. It explained that refining the problem statement from diverse perspectives lets one identify a “better” problem to solve.

To exemplify how this method can reconceptualize a problem, Dr. Wright uses a 9-dot puzzle example. The puzzle’s solution draws lines outside of the original 9 dots, thereby demonstrating that the space outside the initial shape is available for use. The example can be viewed on the website.

The course’s content includes an examination of perspective positioning through geographical, temporal, and professional lenses. Participants then learn how to create alternative problem statements from fresh viewpoints and choose the most favorable problem to solve.

“Problem Perspectives: Solve Your Best Problem!” is a 1 hour, on-demand video course that can be accessed on any device. It includes 9 downloadable resources and practical exercises for each section. Participants have lifetime access and will receive a certificate upon completion.

Macadamia Solutions LLC’s founder and course creator Dr. Steven Wright is an engineer, lawyer, professor, and entrepreneur. His development expertise within the information technology industry has led to the award of over 50 patents for companies including Alcatel, Fujitsu, and AT&T. He has shared his knowledge internationally as a lecturer, keynote speaker, executive presenter, and panelist.

A spokesperson for the company said: “If you think about your problem from the right perspective, you can change yourself, your organization, or the world around you.”

Interested parties can find more information at

Macadamia Solutions LLC

2404 Valmont Ct NE

United States

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