ERTC Application Qualification For SMBs: Tax Credit Application Service Expanded

A large portion of the ERTC is likely to go unclaimed due to misconceptions about eligibility. Heros ERTC demystifies the process with its newly announced service and pre-qualifies clients through a personalized questionnaire.

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With the deadline for ERTC applications approaching in 2024, the firm is expanding its service, offering end-to-end claims assistance for small businesses nationwide. Each application is overseen by a CPA in order to minimize IRS contact and reduce audits.

“Regardless of the benefits of ERTCs, the process can be very confusing,” a company spokesperson states. “Especially with the complexity of tax codes and qualifications. That’s where we come in.”

Under the ERTC program, eligible businesses can claim a tax credit based on wages paid to employees during the pandemic. Heros ERTC partners with CPAs who specialize in reviewing the finances and gross receipts of businesses for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021, ensuring accurate and comprehensive documentation to support the claims process.

The team works closely with each client to craft a persuasive narrative account that reflects the impact of the pandemic on their business to enhance the chances of a successful claim and a larger refund. The firm also manages all necessary paperwork, easing the administrative burden for businesses and preparing CPA-backed documentation.

The company has already assisted businesses across a range of sectors – from restaurants to coaches – in successfully applying for a refund. With the ERTC credit being a non-repayable opportunity, clients have the freedom to allocate the funds as needed, providing flexibility to cover any business expense.

The spokesperson adds: “Unlike other tax credit and accounting firms, we focus exclusively on ERTCs. Our team consists of experienced Employee Retention Tax Credit specialists who will help you navigate the system and discover opportunities to help you maximize your claim.”

Interested parties can learn more at

Heros ERTC

2340 East Main Street

United States

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