AdAlta extends I-body trial following ethics approval

–News Direct–

AdAlta Ltd (ASX:1AD) managing director Tim Oldham updates Proactive the health care stocks lead AD-214 i-body after it secured ethics approval to extend its Phase 1 study.

Eight more fibrotic disease patients suffering interstitial lung disease or chronic kidney disease will join part B of the trial, which is examining AD-214s safety in a standard of care context.

Oldham says the extension is pivotal in AdAltas mission to extend its earlier Phase 1 findings, support partnering endeavours and reduce Phase 2s overall time and cost.

Our meetings with potential partners at BIO23 in Boston in June confirmed that this extension study will materially enhance our ongoing partnering discussions as well as shortening eventual Phase 2 study time and cost, he said on Thursday.

We thank all those shareholders who participated in the recent rights offer that contributed towards the funds for Part A of this critical Phase 1 extension.

The trials first healthy volunteer is expected to receive AD-214 in August 2023, with top-line healthy volunteer results expected January 2024.

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Proactive Investors

Jonathan Jackson

+61 413 713 744

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