Chapel Hill Law Firm, Pedestrian Vehicle Accident Claim Guidance Services Launch

Headed by former insurance defense attorney Carl Nagle, the firm offers its upgraded personal injury services to improve the local availability of motor vehicle collision legal assistance near Chapel Hill. At its Raleigh office, Nagle & Associates now meets with those who have been severely hurt in pedestrian accidents of all types.

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The firm’s latest service upgrades come as Nagle & Associates looks to support innocent pedestrians facing ruinous medical bills and lost wages after being struck by negligent or dangerous drivers. According to the firm, negligence is the leading cause of pedestrian accidents in Raleigh – and as such, its services meet a pressing need.

Owing to his prior experience as an insurance company lawyer, Carl Nagle cites his extensive familiarity with the methods commonly deployed by insurers in damage and injury claim cases. He is therefore able to help victims by taking the lead in negotiations, countering perceived lowball settlement offers, and aggressively pursuing amounts that compensate for their physical and emotional trauma.

In the words of a firm spokesperson: “Carl worked first as a claims adjuster paying claims on behalf of a large national insurance carrier, and then later as an insurance defense attorney. He was paid to defend at-fault drivers in court and because he worked on the other side, he knows exactly what steps insurance companies take to minimize how much they have to pay you.”

In order to preemptively counter such tactics, Nagle & Associates implores accident victims to hold consultations with its team before speaking to insurers. Such discussions are crucial, says the firm, in laying the groundwork for injury claim cases before getting started.

Since insurance companies are likely to reject any claim where the victim is seen to bear even partial responsibility for the accident, determining fault is vital. Nagle & Associates is able to advise victims regarding their legal status and begin gathering relevant facts that can prove culpability on the part of reckless drivers – as well as innocence on the part of pedestrians.

Due to its focus on larger-scale cases involving high-impact vehicle accidents, Nagle & Associates is favorably positioned to offer lower fee rates than many other firms. Specifically, clients who win settlements or court-awarded compensatory amounts can expect legal fees of 25%. In comparison, the vast majority of injury attorneys charge up to a third of all damage awards.

With the latest announcement, Nagle & Associates widens access to affordable, contingency-based legal assistance for injury victims and their families across North Carolina. In addition to its Raleigh office and its Winston-Salem headquarters, the firm operates statewide in areas spanning Asheville, Charlotte, Greensboro, Wilmington, and Hickory-Conover.

“Their timely and professional outreach convinced us,” said one recent client. “As we were not at fault in our accident, the firm was able to negotiate a fair but generous settlement quickly.”

Interested parties in and around Chapel Hill can find further details about Nagle & Associates, P.A. and its wider range of legal services at

Nagle & Associates, P.A.

380 Knollwood Street, Suite 320

United States

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