Galileo Mining looking to repeat exploration success at Callisto

–News Direct–

Galileo Mining Ltd (ASX:GAL, OTC:GLMGF) managing director Brad Underwood runs Proactive through the highlights of the companys June quarter. The primary focus during the period was ongoing diamond drilling campaign at the Callisto discovery. He says the company hopes to repeat the success seen at Callisto and, with multiple high-quality targets for testing, GAL is excited to be working within a newly discovered nickel-palladium district.

It has been yet another busy quarter as we progressed with our drilling campaign at Callisto to fully understand the extent of the discovery. Drilling advanced to the north with assay results from drilling 600 metres north of Callisto revealing a new zone of platinum group element (PGE) enrichment, Underwood said.

This was a major result as the assays showed the discovery of a new type of rock containing palladium and platinum that is separate and unique from the rock which hosts Callisto. These results confirm the PGE enrichment at Callisto is not restricted to one rock unit, or one mineralisation style, and illustrates the opportunity for further discoveries within the five kilometres of ground along strike to the north.

Meanwhile, we have recently kicked off our highly anticipated RC drilling campaign at the Jimberlana and Mission Sill prospects where previous aircore drilling and geophysical surveying have defined high-quality targets for testing.

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Proactive Investors

Jonathan Jackson

+61 413 713 744

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