Carolina Integrative Wellness: A Functional Medicine Doctor Offering Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy in Cary, NC

Cary, NC – Carolina Integrative Wellness employs functional medicine to uncover the underlying causes of diseases and facilitate the restoration of healthy function. The clinic adopts a personalized and holistic approach to healthcare, thoroughly examining various aspects of patients’ lives to determine the most appropriate treatments. Utilizing a whole person approach including diet, lifestyle and utilizing advanced diagnostic measures, they offer customized solutions tailored to each patient’s specific needs.

During consultations, the functional medicine doctor Cary demonstrates an attentive approach by actively listening to patients’ concerns and conducting a thorough analysis of their medical history. To ensure a comprehensive understanding of patients’ health, the clinic offers a wide array of specialized tests.

Among these tests is the Boston Heart Lipo Map, which evaluates lipid metabolism and measures cholesterol levels using a blood sample. Furthermore, Carolina Integrative Wellness offers Precision Point Dietary Antigen tests, which provide valuable insights into immune reactions triggered by various foods and the extent of these reactions.

The medical clinic also provides the GI Map advanced stool study, a highly effective test for evaluating gut health in individuals of all ages, from children to adults. This comprehensive analysis plays a crucial role in uncovering the root causes of diverse symptoms, including brain fog, autoimmune disorders, digestive complications, skin conditions like acne, migraines and ailments such as IBS/IBD.

Carolina Integrative Wellness goes beyond traditional diagnostic methods by providing functional lab testing, which helps unravel the underlying causes of mood disorders, anxiety, depression, diabetes, and difficulties with weight loss. While many comprehensive lab tests are typically covered by insurance, certain advanced tests may not fall under the coverage. However, the clinic is committed to maintaining affordable pricing, ensuring accessibility for all patients.

Carolina Integrative Wellness also specializes in hormone balancing for both men and women, aiming to uncover the underlying causes of imbalances and provide individually tailored hormone replacement therapy. The clinic focuses on treating hormonal conditions such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) as well as Menopause and perimenopause for women and erectile dysfunction and low testosterone conditions for men.

For individuals experiencing imbalances related to menopause and perimenopause, Carolina Integrative Wellness offers unique solutions through physiologic restoration of hormones. By understanding the specific needs of each patient, the center customizes hormone replacement therapy to address the root cause of the imbalance and optimize hormonal levels.

Kimberly Stalnaker FNP-C, the founder of the medical clinic, shared the inspiring story behind her venture, stating, “I began my journey in integrative medicine after working 20 years as a nurse in multiple areas of nursing. My daughter had a sudden change in health that gave me the push to enroll in NP school. I succeeded in discovering her diagnosis where conventional doctors failed. Since then it has become my passion to help others find root causes of their illness. I enjoy becoming a partner in your healthcare journey.”

Contact the clinic at (919) 694-7192 to consult or book an appointment. Visit the clinic’s website for more information on its treatments. Carolina Integrative Wellness is located at 114 Brady Ct Suite 5, Cary, NC, 27511, US.

Media Contact

Company Name
Carolina Integrative Wellness
Contact Name
(919) 694-7192
114 Brady Ct Suite 5
Postal Code
United States

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