Redding Holistic Animal Clinic: Veterinarian Ownership Opportunity Announced

Veterinarians who are passionate about holistic treatment and fresh food nutrition can apply for a full-time position at Pet Care Naturally and its sister clinic, Lewiston Animal Clinic. The clinic announced a unique employment opportunity. The top three applicants will receive an all-expense paid trip to Northern California, where the two clinics are located in the mountains surrounded by National Forests, and meet with the team.
Interested parties can learn more and apply here
Pet Care Naturally says it isn’t just filling a basic employee slot – this position is a stepping stone toward a leadership role with the potential to influence the clinic’s growth and direction. The clinic is looking for an innovative, like-minded innovator in natural pet care who may transition to future ownership or partnership, who is also fun to work with, a great communicator, and an excellent veterinarian.
Holistic healthcare is on the rise, for both two-legged and four-legged patients. A recent survey by the National Institutes of Health found that about one-third of Americans seek holistic healthcare solutions that treat the whole person rather than isolated symptoms. Many of these individuals are pet owners and are looking for similar methods to improve the health of their furry family members, too.
Both recently graduated vets and seasoned professionals are encouraged to apply, as long as they’re passionate advocates of fresh food nutrition, and incorporate it into their treatment approach. PCN is known for its unique approach to fresh food nutrition and is looking for a team member who will work with Dr. Neal Weiner to create individualized nutrition plans for each cat or dog. The cornerstone of the practice is fresh whole food diets. Nutrition-centered visits are offered with diet guidelines to create balanced meal plans for beloved pets.
The ideal candidate will have robust clinical, surgical, and technological skills that benefit the clinic and advance its reputation. Personal dedication to helping animals and their human counterparts is a must, says Neal Weiner, owner of PCN and Lewiston Animal Clinic, its sister practice. “The ideal scenario includes working with a vet associate that we like, who is fun to work with, and can easily communicate their belief in the healing power of nature,” he says.
Over time, Pet Care Naturally aspires to develop an internet-based fresh food educator program and promote educational videos on the clinic’s website. In-house seminars, software advancements, computerized medical records, and a user-friendly client communication platform are on the horizon.
With Lewiston and Redding, California clinics, Pet Care Naturally provides nutritional advice, planning, and chiropractic treatments. The clinic also offers frozen and freeze-dried food options on-site to help clients create plans for success. Traditional outpatient veterinary medicine is available in the Redding office, while Lewiston offers outpatient and surgical services.
More information about the position is available at
Pet Care Naturally
2457 Athens Avenue
United States