Eric North, the Happiness Warrior Is Teaching People That Everyone Deserves To Feel Contented

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New York City, New York Jul 25, 2023 ( – Eric North is a famous life coach and internet personality who believes that he has a genetic disposition to get everyone back on the right course. Known as the Happiness Warrior, the motto in Eric’s life is to make every person believe that they are worthy of happiness. Two hundred and fifty years ago the United States Declaration of Independence said that all men are created as equals. Therefore everyone has the same rights to life, liberty as well as the pursuit of happiness. Focusing on this thought of the founding fathers believing that happiness is for everyone, the Happiness Warrior states that happiness is not just a feeling but a basic right of humans.

North believes that even in this world full of chaos, confusion, and abnormality if people have the right mindset they can choose to feel happiness and joy. According to the Happiness Warrior Eric North, society has programmed humankind to live in fear, envy, and despair where hurtful words of others can easily take control of people’s thoughts and emotions, taking the chance of being truly happy, away. This is why the life coach himself has started on this journey that will take his warriors to the next level of emotional and spiritual lives. According to the skilled North, it might seem like it sounds too hard at first, taking control back of our emotions, but “we can choose the attitude we need to be happy and create our new reality.”

Eric teaches his warriors how to take their lives back by simply opening their minds and allowing themselves to be happy. But first, people need to believe that they deserve to be happy and then take the steps that ensure that. According to the advice by North, only people themselves can heal their personal and social divisions and dysfunctions. The Happiness Warrior himself suggests that the happiness and peace that comes from understanding and accepting others as they are is a feeling like no other. The only way to refuel people’s spirits is by raising the bar of kindness and empathy.

North takes a wonderful approach to making people understand that happiness and the feeling of contentment come from within as he points out that the happy people around us might get unnoticed in our daily lives but they are always ready to help. People often display resentment toward their ever-lasting happiness while secretly admiring them, as they try to make others feel welcome and heard. This is why, the life coach says that stepping up and helping when it’s needed will create a big impact on everyone else’s lives, and at the same time, empathy will make the person happy as well.

North further explains that there are no secrets to happiness but there are certain things that happy people have incorporated in their lives. This starts with taking care of their health, having a proper morning routine, having friendships that enhance their lives, being grateful for every day, and seeking to do better the next time. Some other traits that all happy people have in common are that they understand that the process of healing is continuous, and they practice mindfulness knowing that the attitude they take in life is theirs alone to choose. Last but the most important thing all happy people have in common is that they have given themselves permission to be happy and share their joy.

North is also a firm believer in the law of karma and cosmic balance while believing that good guys are smarter and will always win. According to Eric, the Happiness Warrior, anyone with enough willpower can develop a warrior’s mindset and change-makers that are so badly needed. For people who want to be genuinely happy and feel content within themselves, Eric has some advice that first states that health is happiness. He believes that when people take better care of themselves, there will be an exponential benefit to the sense of inner peace. This inner peace is the ultimate foundation of a more fulfilled life. Healthy eating habits, more exposure to sunlight, grooming, and a mindset that prioritizes sleep are a few of the days people can take care of their health.

Another piece of advice that North gives follows surrounding yourself with quality people. The motto in life should not be knowing a ton of people and creating a false sense of popularity and acclaim. The real goal is to develop a friendship and relationships with people who care enough about our happiness that they want you to achieve the important things in life and be at peace. One thing that North again emphasizes is having a morning routine and following it religiously. According to the Happiness Warrior, mornings are a time for affirmations, healthy rituals, exercise, breathing, and meditation. Mornings are usually quiet and reflective which is why having a morning routine comes with more self-awareness and gratitude.

North gives gratitude much importance as he says self-focused individuals who complain all the time are easily dislikable. They are also the ones who always dump their self-created pain and misery on others while only thinking about themselves. This is why Eric North tells people to take the path of gratitude that is life-affirming. He believes that in the face of darkness, we can be the light that binds us with others. He also thinks that mindfulness is equal to happiness as it helps us find peace and acceptance for others. In these very divisive socio-economic and political times, Eric says it is very easy to get lost in incorrect information, loose facts, and self-destruction. Which is why, it is always better to believe facts before feelings. When in need, people must believe their inner voice or spirit or what we call intuition as it never fails.

While focusing on how healing and sharing happiness can bring happiness to ourselves, Eric points out that being open to change and renewal is the way forward in a world that’s uncertain. At the same time, it is important to share happiness as that is how we learn to trust and how we create a world where the greater good is the outcome. Lastly, Eric gives the most important to us permitting us to be happy. It is only through a happier mindset, we can think for ourselves and live in freedom of expression of mind.

As the Happiness Warrior, North is a firm believer in equality among humans as he believes that all humans are made of compounds. If we choose to be happy today, life can easily be a magical journey beyond expectations. It might be difficult, but it is not impossible. It is also never too late to start as North describes “Happiness is life without any boundaries!” So come under his guidance today and live a richer, more fulfilled, and above all, happier life today. Know more at:

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This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.

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