Digital Economy Web3 Freelancing Creator Jobs: Secure NFT Service Expands

With the recent update, the team aims to help online service providers to grow their businesses and connect with more customers, expanding potential employment opportunities and offering more secure payment options backed by smart contract technology.

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Web3 eliminates the need for currency exchange or intermediaries in the freelancing process through Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DOAs). This allows for faster, more secure work payments, eliminating commission fees. The latest service expansion from Meta-Builders allows freelancers to extend their offerings in line with web3 developments.

For years, freelance creators have struggled with the constraints of web2 models that charge high commissions and limit control. Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr connect freelancers to clients but take up to 20% of project fees, which reduces potential earnings for individual creators trying to grow their businesses.

Web3 changes the dynamic by giving creators a higher level of control – decentralized services run on blockchain technology that cuts out middlemen, which means that freelancers can sell services directly to clients as NFTs, retaining ownership of their work. Meta-Builders helps freelancers optimize their operations for this new environment.

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The Meta-Builders team builds custom smart contracts to fit the specific needs of each client. These programs automate processes like payments, rights management, and royalties. Meta-Builders also creates metaverse integrations so freelancers can offer digital experiences beyond traditional services.

In addition to development services, Meta-Builders provides guidance on community activation – one of web3’s most powerful features. Freelancers can leverage social tokens and DAOs to build engaged networks around their personal brand or niche, creating recurring lead-generation opportunities.

Meta-Builders aims to empower individual creators by empowering them to capitalize on web3 technology. The team frees freelancers from restrictive platforms so they can build thriving businesses owned by their community.

A spokesperson states: “Meta-Builders is a passionate community of industry partners building in Web3 and the Metaverse. Blockchain technology has brought to the internet a base money layer, enabling easy digital payments. Our background in digital payments has allowed us to create easy on-ramps for multiple dimensions of digital commerce.”

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