Aldoro Resources confirms nickel discovery at Narndee

–News Direct–

Aldoro Resources Ltd (ASX:ARN) technical director Mark Mitchell speaks with Proactive after receiving more encouraging preliminary results at the Narndee nickel and platinum-group-elements (PGE) project in Western Australia, this time from its third diamond drill hole.

The drilling forms part of a diamond drilling program at Narndee targeting four induced polarisation (IP) geophysical anomalies identified in IP surveying conducted earlier this year. The third drill hole, NDD0032, has been completed with Aldoro reporting a 40-metre thick anomalous nickel zone from 1 metre using pXRF (portable X-ray fluorescence) readings.

Aldoro has named the anomalous nickel zone the 'Area 32 Nickel Discovery', with five of the holes drilled to date suggesting that the zone is open to the north, south and west. Drilling of a further eight holes remains ongoing at Area 32.

Once the step-out holes at Area 32 Nickel Discovery have been completed, the RC rig will be moved about 3.4 kilometres to the southwest to investigate a similar-looking nickel anomaly.

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Proactive Investors

Jonathan Jackson

+61 413 713 744

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