Author Sherry Dee Lady Shares a Lifetime’s worth of Priceless Recollections in her Inspiring Book In Awe of It All.

Stories and Inspirations from a Spiritual Journey through Eight Decades of Life on This Earth

Wilmington, Delaware Aug 21, 2023 ( – Sherry Dee Lady captivates readers through profound wisdom and heartfelt reflections in her poignant work, In Awe of It All: Stories and Inspirations from a Spiritual Journey through Eight Decades of Life on This Earth. This remarkable book is a testament to a life well-lived and a journey of personal growth, offering readers a treasure trove of insights, stories, and inspirations that span a lifetime.

Spanning eight decades of experiences and lessons, In Awe of It All is more than just a collection of words–it is a heartfelt testament to the power of writing and reflection. Sherry Dee Lady’s journey as a writer was born from an early desire to express herself through words, an aspiration that took shape throughout her life. In the past eleven years, she has diligently transformed her thoughts, feelings, and inspirations into a form that resonates with readers, revealing the depths of her philosophical insights and life experiences.

The book came to life through a humble request: to write a piece of spiritual encouragement for a church bulletin. This simple step ignited a cascade of thoughts and stories that had long remained hidden within the recesses of Sherry Dee Lady’s mind. Drawing inspiration from personal experiences, interactions with friends, and newfound perspectives, the essays within the book invite readers to journey alongside the author as she contemplates the profound and the mundane, all through a lens of depth and insight.

Sherry Dee Lady’s writing is a testament to the power of connection and sharing. Her essays resonate with readers, offering them a glimpse into her thoughts, emotions, and life experiences. Through her words, readers gaze at the beauty in the ordinary, the profound revelations from introspection, and the joy in moments of connection and reflection.

Accompanied by her daughter’s evocative photography, the book becomes a visual and literary masterpiece. As Sherry Dee Lady weaves her narrative, readers embrace a tapestry of emotions and perspectives, each essay a testament to life fully embraced and celebrated.

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Book Title: In Awe of It All: Stories and Inspirations from a Spiritual Journey through Eight Decades of Life on This Earth

Author: Sherry Dee Lady

Publisher: Proisle Publishing Services

Represented by: Great Writers Media

Published Date: May 16, 2023

Book Genre: Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Healing, Educational Counseling, New Age Divination, Counseling, Spirituality

About the Author

Sherry Dee Lady is a native Oregonian, born in Portland, Oregon, where she lived until she was nine. At that time, she and her parents and sister moved to a farm in a small village–the Cove Orchard in rural Yamhill County, where she attended a two-room schoolhouse with a creek beside it. After graduating from the 8th grade, she attended Yamhill High School in Yamhill, three miles from her home.

Her career spanned 30 years as an elementary teacher, during which she had the privilege of teaching in various settings, including a fulfilling four-year period in Tokyo, Japan. Now retired from her teaching profession, she reflects on the countless young minds she’d had the opportunity to nurture.

Family has always been a cornerstone of her life. She’s a proud grandmother to 11 grandchildren and is fortunate to have three great-grandchildren. Her journey has been one of lasting love and companionship, as she was married for an impressive 58 years. While her husband passed away, their shared memories continue to inspire her.

Throughout her journey, education, and diverse experiences, she has had the chance to cultivate a rich and fulfilling life, shaped by her dedication to teaching, the joy of family, and the exploration of the arts. Upon retiring, she assumed the role of an ordained minister within the “Unity” community and is actively engaging in interfaith endeavors.

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Great Writers Media


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Source :Great Writers Media

This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.

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