Investment Expert Solomon RC Ali Announces Consultations For Entrepreneurs

Many accomplished businessmen are self-made. But not many can say they’ve built their fortune from the ground up more than once. Solomon RC Ali has made it all, lost it all, and is now offering his hard-won wisdom through consultations for fledgling minority entrepreneurs and business owners.

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Ali, chief executive officer of Solomon RC Ali Corporation, announced the financial consulting services on the heels of another quarter-point interest rate hike from the Federal Reserve. The Fed has raised rates 10 times in the last 14 months in attempts to tame soaring inflation. While the Fed’s efforts seem to be slowly working, they’re also making business loans more difficult to obtain.

Cash flow is one of the primary factors lenders consider when approving or denying loan applications, according to the experts at Business News Daily. And when inflation and interest rates are high, cash flow is stretched even thinner than usual. Startups often struggle to secure loans during rocky economic times because most lenders are even more risk-averse than usual.

Seasoned financial consultants like Ali and his investment team have weathered storms before, and they’re positioned to help innovators and established companies fund and scale their businesses in this uncertain market. He’s raised more than $250 million in structured investment capital, and helped create returns on investment as high as 3000 percent. In one of his higher-profile ventures, Ali serves as a key executive for the company whose technology powers Ring Doorbell. In this role, he both restructured the company for success and arranged for its capital investments.

Still, Ali didn’t start at the top. He worked his way there – and did it more than once. Born in South Central Los Angeles, Ali grew up in West Covina, California, and served in the U.S. Army. After entering civilian life, he ran a maintenance company that rehabilitated nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Though the company was worth tens of millions, financial mismanagement and other factors cost him his business. Discouraged, he regrouped while working a labor job on a barge in Louisiana.

It wasn’t long before Ali’s contacts called on him to raise funds for a technology venture. He and his network forged a new path – identifying and investing in minority-owned businesses. Ali would go on to serve as director and officer on 3 of the 13 African-American-controlled and managed companies publicly traded on the major exchanges. Together, he and his network have completed more than 140 mergers and acquisitions.

To learn more, visit

Solomon RC Ali Corporation
5940 South Rainbow Boulevard

United States

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