Infinite Banking Tax Planning Strategies, 2023 Finance Management Report Launch

With their recently released tax planning report, ‘I Own My Bank’ outlines the main advantages of using the Infinite Banking concept to reduce the amount of tax an individual needs to pay, as well as highlighting any risks they should be aware of.

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The latest report includes details on how Infinite Banking works and guides readers to where they can find further information regarding the strategy should they wish to implement it into their own tax planning for the coming year.

As the new tax year rolls out, many individuals are looking for personal finance management strategies to cut back on tax costs and boost their long-term savings as a result. However, while many banks offer various saving accounts, individuals often need to pay taxes on any interest they receive. To give readers an alternative strategy for growing their savings and funding large purchases at affordable terms, ‘I Own My Bank’ has compiled its Infinite Banking report.

In the report, the expert explains that the Infinite Banking concept utilizes whole life insurance policies to pay for assets in a tax-efficient way. This means that funds withdrawn from a life insurance policy are not taxable as they are considered distribution of cash value.

The report also highlights that, while using the Infinite Banking concept can be beneficial for tax planning, there are multiple factors and risks that should be considered before implementing it. As such, the expert advises that individuals consult with a financal advisor who has experience and insight into the concept before taking action.

Those wishing to learn more about Infinite Banking and its uses can sign-up for an in-depth presentation available through ‘I Own My Bank’s’ website. The company can also connect individuals with one of their Infinite Banking practitioners to help them understand how it can be applied to their personal situation.

A spokesperson for ‘I Own My Bank’ said, “This has been the most eye-opening money management program I have ever seen. I feel blessed to have received the opportunity to participate.”

Interested parties can find more information by visiting

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