Ontario Online Pharmacy Offers Medication Management Service For Caregivers

An affiliate of Sunshine Drugs, which operates retail pharmacies across Ontario, Canada, the online pharmacy sorts, packages, and delivers medications to an individual’s home. The pharmacy’s streamlined service includes transferring prescriptions, managing refills and renewals, and collaborating with doctors to provide patients and caregivers with easy-to-use and organized medication packs.

Go to https://myeasydose.ca for more information.

According to a recent online study, as much as 39% of Canadians are not properly taking their medications, with 23% attributing this to having difficulties remembering if or when they had taken their medication. One in ten also stated that their medication regimen overwhelms them due to its complicacy. With these statistics in mind, MyEasyDose wants to provide an organized, safe, and effective way for caregivers and patients to manage medications and ensure they are taken correctly and on time, with its medication management solution.

MyEasyDose provides patients with scheduled refills: their pharmacists regularly review prescriptions and will contact a patient’s doctor when new ones are needed. They also organize the medications by date in MED Packs, which are sealed and labelled with the patient’s name, dosage, and time of administration. Additionally, the packs — which can contain supplements and vitamins as well — come presorted and are customizable to meet the needs of both caregivers and patients.

With Med Packs, the likelihood of mistakes occurring, such as forgetting to take a dose of medication or taking the wrong one, is reduced. Also, the use of advanced sorting equipment to individually package and seal medications in tear-off packets significantly reduces the occurrence of human error when compared to traditional sorting methods. Furthermore, the packs can help to provide caregivers with a clearer sense of control and efficiency, especially when handling multiple medications or patients, MyEasyDose says.

The company’s team of pharmacists offers personalized support to caregivers and patients, who can sign up for the medication management service and arrange a home delivery plan by speaking with a pharmacist at one of the Sunshine Drugs pharmacy locations or calling the aforementioned MyEasyDose number.

With this announcement, MyEasyDose remains committed to providing Ontario residents with a discreet, simplified, and well-organized means of keeping track of their medications and removing unnecessary hassles for better peace of mind and improved health and care.

Frank Murgic, the company’s founder and CEO, said, “Powered by Sunshine Drugs, MyEasyDose by Community Care Pharmacy is the result of more than two decades of pharmacy experience plus a focused investment in innovation and technology.”

Interested individuals can learn more about the online pharmacy’s medication management system by visiting https://myeasydose.ca

MyEasyDose By Community Care Pharmacy Inc.

3095 Forest Glade Drive


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