NickelSearch MD outlines upcoming exploration at Carlingup

–News Direct–

NickelSearch Ltd (ASX:NIS) MD Nicole Duncan talks Proactive through the focus of work for the company during its June quarter. Among the highlights – diamond drilling got underway at Sexton with two holes intersecting massive sulphide mineralisation in the Lower Mineralised Horizon.

An RC drill program also tested high priority targets at B1 and Serendipity. At B1 RC drilling confirmed and extended the area of known historical nickel sulphide intercepts.

Speaking of the RC drilling, Duncan said The assay results from the RC drilling show we have successfully expanded the extent of the nickel mineralisation at B1.

We have completed the diamond drilling and, from the visuals, we can report that the hole has intersected 40 metres of predominantly disseminated nickel sulphides, giving us further understanding of the mineralisation.

So far, we have observed a thick interval of ultramafic host rock with signs of the sulphide accumulating in the base of the sequence in the diamond hole, plus the mineralised horizon appears to stretch for some distance.

The sulphide volumes in the ultramafic at B1 are low but the mineralisation is high tenor.

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Proactive Investors

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