AI AutoBots Pro Karthik Ramani E-Commerce Consumer Engagement Software Launched

The newly launched software works 24/7 to scale businesses by connecting them with more ready-to-buy customers. Across the businesses that have implemented it already, results show an average of 67% more conversions – and an overall increase of 35% in lead generation.

More information can be found at

The software is fully customizable, and business owners can use URLs, text files, or frequently asked questions to help the AI understand their business, niche, and customers. From there, AI AutoBots Pro campaigns can be managed within one dashboard.

Consumer expectations have changed, explains Karthik Ramani. 82% of consumers expect a response within 10 minutes, according to a recent Velocify survey. Live chat requires dedicated staff, which is costly – but AI AutoBots Pro provides a solution with conversational bots ready to engage customers immediately.

The AI-powered bots can be implemented at any stage of the buyer journey to capture leads. On a product page, AutoBots can answer questions and recommend additional items; on a contact page, the bots can start Q&As and pass on promising leads.

This increases engagement significantly while reducing customer support costs. With AutoBots handling common questions and lead generation 24/7, businesses can maintain a storefront that is always available, providing human-like conversations without the need to hire additional staff.

To accelerate implementation, Karthik Ramani’s team has created ‘done-for-you’ templates for common business scenarios. Customizable options for e-commerce, lead generation, and customer service allow for a quick start, and the bots sound natural while remaining on-brand.

Major companies already employ similar AI technology, with Starbucks allowing customers to place orders via chatbot, providing faster service, and Spotify generating personalized playlists using predictive AI. Replicating this technology, AI AutoBots Pro brings conversational AI to businesses of any size.

A spokesperson states: “I am sure you have felt frustrated and annoyed when you went on a website to pick up something but you had some questions to ask before making the purchase. But it’s late at night. The business is not around or you are in a different time zone and it’s not working hours yet. With this software, prospects can connect with you at any moment.”

Interested parties can learn more at

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